Terms and Conditions
Contract of Hire
By making a booking, paying a deposit or paying in full you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions and accept all liability for their guest’s actions.
The Contract of Hire is not effective until confirmed via email by Vindomora Country Lodges to you, the hirer of the property (“the Hirer”) written confirmation of the booking.
Vindomora Country Lodges does not accept bookings from Hirers under the age of 21.
Vindomora Country Lodges does not accept bookings from single sex parties, for example Stag and Hen parties.
Full details of guests must be provided to Vindomora Country Lodges on Booking. Failure to do so may result in the Booking being cancelled.
Groups of people 21 years of age or younger will be required to provide photo identification (Drivers Licence/Passport) at check in, showing their date of birth and their address.
All the lodges and flat at Vindomora Country Lodges are privately owned by Bridge End Lodges Ltd, trading as Vindomora Country Lodges (The Owner).
Once the hire is confirmed, this Contract of Hire of a property shall be a contract between the Hirer and the Owner, Vindomora Country Lodges.
The Hirer may not assign or transfer the Contract of Hire to any other person without the prior written consent of Vindomora Country Lodges.
The Contract of Hire is a license to the Hirer or their guests to stay in the property during the specified hire period. The Hirer or their guests have no right to remain in the property after the period of hire and shall not be entitled to any statutory security of tenure.
These Terms and Conditions are in addition to those set out by Vacation Rentals (UK) Ltd.
Initial Payment
Bookings will only be confirmed upon receipt by Vindomora Country Lodges of the required deposit payment (“the Deposit”).
The Deposit is non-refundable.
If the booking is made direct with Vindomora Country Lodges within 8 weeks of the holiday commencement date, the full accommodation rental will be required before the booking will be confirmed.
Balance Payment
The balance of the cost of the hire of the property, if made direct with Vindomora Country Lodges will be due for payment 8 weeks before the holiday commencement date.
The hire may be cancelled where full payment in cleared funds has not been received 8 weeks before the holiday commencement date. The Deposit is non-refundable.
Security Deposit
The Owner requires a security / damage / breakage / acceptable behaviour bond for each property for each rental period, the amount of which is £100.
This bond is refundable provided these booking conditions have been met in full. The Hirer will provide Vindomora Country Lodges with debit or credit card details or cash for this bond on arrival.
The follow will incur a deduction from the cash bond or pre-authorised card or cash security bond, if:
· Excess cleaning of the property is required – Charge of £20
· Rubbish has to be removed from the property by Vindomora Country Lodges. Charge of £20
· Damage has been caused to the property or its contents during the hire period; or
Staff or police are called to your lodge or flat to deal with any disturbance or nuisance caused by you or a member of your party. Minimum of £50 plus cost of damage replacement.
· These Booking Conditions otherwise specify that if an additional payment is required from the security deposit on the instructions of the Owner or Manager, Vindomora Country Lodges will process a payment up to the full amount of the security deposit in respect of the above items provided by the Hirer.
Should the sum of any excess charges, or other costs due from the security deposit exceed the amount of the security deposit the balance will be payable immediately on demand.
The security bond will be refunded once the cleaners have checked the lodge / flat and within 7 days of departure less any deductions as above.
Arrival/Departure Times
Check in is from 3.00pm & up to 10pm
Check out is 10.00am.
This is to allow Vindomora Country Lodges to prepare for the next guests / hirer.
Credit Card Charges
Vindomora Country Lodges do not charge a credit card fee.
All damages and breakages that occur during the hire period are the legal responsibility of the Hirer and should be notified to Vindomora Country Lodges before the end of the hire period.
These costs are charged to the security bond.
Any damage and breakages that are discovered at the end of the hire period will be deemed to have been caused during the hire period unless the Hirer has notified Vindomora Country Lodges of the damage when arriving at the property. The person making the booking accepts that by making a booking they understand and agree that they are wholly responsible for the conduct of themselves, any of their guests or visitors and agree that they are liable for the cost of any damage or loss or nuisance however caused by them or any of their guests or visitors.
Confirmation of Booking
Once Vindomora Country Lodges has issued a Confirmation of booking/invoice for direct bookings, the Hirer is responsible for the total price of the hire of the property for the hire period and any extras as shown on the confirmation.
Any amendments to an existing booking are not effective until acceptance in writing is dispatched to the Hirer by Vindomora Country Lodges and any additional funds are paid to Vindomora Country Lodges in cleared funds.
Booking Cancellation
The Hirer must inform Vindomora Country Lodges immediately if they wish to cancel their booking made direct with us.
If the Hirer cancels their booking more than 8 weeks before the commencement date, the Deposit will not be refundable, but the balance of the cost of the hire will be refunded if already paid.
Please note all deposits are non-refundable.
If the Hirer cancels their booking within eight weeks of the holiday commencement date the Hirer will remain liable for the full cost of the hire of the property for the holiday period.
Holiday Insurance
The Hirer is strongly advised to arrange holiday insurance that includes cover for cancellation and the personal property of the Hirer.
Guest Party Numbers
Unless authorised by Vindomora Country Lodges in writing, under no circumstances may more than the maximum number of persons occupy the property hired. Namely 6 people in a two-bedroom lodge and 4 people in the flat.
Full details of all guests must be provided on booking. Failure to do so may result in the booking being cancelled.
Vindomora Country Lodges and the owner reserve the right to refuse admittance or cancel the booking if additional persons occupy the home during the rental period.
In addition, Vindomora Country Lodges and the Owner reserves the right to refuse or cancel any bookings from parties that may in either of their opinions and their sole discretion be unsuitable for the property concerned, for example single sex parties, stag or hen parties or carry out any illegal activity.
In the event of such a cancellation, Vindomora Country Lodges will refund the cost of hire on a pro-rata basis less a service charge of £50 and less any damages. No other compensation will be payable to the hirer.
The Hirer must notify Vindomora Country Lodges as soon as possible if the number of guests staying at the property will be different from the number specified when the Hirer made the booking or are in excess of the maximum stated above. The Hirer must also notify Vindomora Country Lodges of the names and ages of all guests.
Hirer’s Responsibilities
The Hirer is responsible for the property and is expected to take all reasonable care of it.
The Hirer must always comply with the following conditions.
The property must be left clean and tidy, all equipment and utensils etc must be clean and put away at the end of the hire period. Should the property be found to require extra cleaning as a result of the condition in which it is left then these additional costs will be charged to the security deposit.
Portable / reusable BBQ equipment are not allowed to be used on the Vindomora Country Lodges site unless specific permission has been granted by the Manager. BBQ areas are located next to each of the lodges and these are the only permitted areas for a BBQ's.
Bins & Recycling
The Hirer should remove all waste from the lodge / flat and place it in the general waste bin next to their lodge / flat or the main waste bin near to Reception. A Glass recycling bin is located next to the Reception.
Recycling is conducted by our Waste Management Contractor off site, so there is no need to separate items.
If you leave waste in the lodge / flat a removal charge of £20 to collect and dispose of any refuse will be charged to the security deposit.
Environmental Considerations
The Hirer should at the end of their stay, turn all the lights off, turn electrical appliances off at the wall and turn down heating thermostats to 15 degrees.
Smoking or Vaping is not permitted in any of Vindomora Country lodges or flat.
Smoking is not permitted near to the bottled gas next to each lodge or flat.
Smoking is not permitted next to the bottled gas storage area.
The use of candles is prohibited with the lodges and apartment.
A charge of £50 will be incurred if these conditions are broken.
Pets – Dogs only
Dogs only, are only permitted in the Hadrian Lodge, Housesteads Lodge, Vindolanda Lodge, St Ebba Lodge and the Chesters Lodge (max of 2).
Pets of any type are not allowed under any circumstance in any of the other lodges or flat.
A maximum of 2 dogs are allowed in the Hadrian Lodge, Housesteads Lodge, Vindolanda Lodge, St Ebba Lodge and Chesters Lodge.
Dogs are not permitted on furniture or on beds. Every effort must be made to minimize additional mess created by having your pet on holiday and any extra costs incurred as a result of pets will be charged to the security deposit.
Dog owners must clean up after their pets anywhere on Vindomora Country Lodges and must be kept on a lead.
Under no circumstances must a pet be left unattended in the property. Vindomora Country Lodges accepts no responsibility for pets left unattended and any damage to the property by pets will be charged to the Hirer.
Use of the Accommodation & Amenities
Vindomora Country Lodges may repossess the property at any time and terminate the hire of the property, where the Hirer or any member of the Hirer’s party has caused excessive noise or damage or is found or reasonably suspected to be conducting themselves in an illegal, offensive or immoral fashion, or are causing a nuisance to other persons.
In such circumstances the Hirer shall not be entitled to any refund of the hire price of the property.
The Hirer shall permit Vindomora Country Lodges staff or their representatives to access the property at reasonable times during the holiday for inspection or to carry out maintenance, and Vindomora Country Lodges and / or the Owner shall retain keys for the property for this purpose.
The Contract of Hire is made on the understanding that the property advertised will be available and fit for use for the dates stated. In the unlikely event that the property is not available or fit for use through events arising outside the control of Vindomora Country Lodges or the Owner, then the Hirer’s booking may be cancelled or varied.
At its sole discretion Vindomora Country Lodges may offer the Hirer suitable alternative accommodation, which if not acceptable to the Hirer, will entitle the Hirer to a full refund on a pro-rata basis.
Neither Vindomora Country Lodges nor the Owner shall be liable to the Hirer for any other costs, expenses, loss, injury or damage whatsoever suffered by the Hirer or their guests as a consequence of cancelling or varying the booking in accordance with this clause.
Exceptions to this is Vindomora Country Lodges liability, if proven that death or personal injury was caused by our negligence. (Consumer Rights Act 2015 s65(1).
Variations to booking.
The hirer will be liable to pay a service charge of £50 for any variation to the booking, made direct with Vindomora Country Lodges.
Not all items, equipment and facilities advertised may be available at all times due to breakdown, malfunction, or other reasons. The management of Vindomora Country Lodges will try to rectify any malfunctions as soon as possible but no refund of any or all of the money paid by the customer will be made.
However, each circumstance will be considered on its own merits, and where possible the guest / party will be informed, prior to arrival, that the facility is not available. If the breakdown, malfunction or reduction in facilities occur when the guests / party are in attendance, then consideration will be given by Vindomora Country Lodges for appropriate reimbursement.
Services Rental
Services rental charges include bed linen, towels and robes for use during your stay. Beds will be made up prior to your arrival and linen and towels will be changed at the end of each rental. Additional cleaning/bed linen is available at a discretionary cost of between £15 & £30, pending on the items, to cover Vindomora Country Lodges additional costs. Vindomora Country lodges will decide, pending on the circumstances, if this charge is to be made. Electricity, bottled gas and water are included within the rental charge. If a booking is made for more than 7 days, Vindomora Country Lodges will change the bed linen and towels at day 7 following arrangements with the lead guest.
Care of the Property
The Hirer / Client / Guest / Visitors shall take all reasonable and proper care of the property and its furniture, pictures, fittings and effects in or on the property and leave them in the same state of repair and in the same clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period as was found at the beginning. No candles are to be used inside or outside of the accommodations.
Matches / Lighters / Firelighters are permitted to be used in the log cabins only for the purposes of starting the wood stoves / burners. These items must be stored in a safe place out of reach from young children and it is the Hirers responsibility to ensure this.
Fixtures & Fittings
All fixture, fittings and equipment must be used solely for their intended purpose. Vindomora Country Lodges request that you do not take into the log cabins any portable heaters, lighting equipment, candles or any items that may cause danger to the lodges, its equipment or its occupants.
Any bulky items such as bicycles, fishing or golf equipment are not to be taken into the log cabins or the flat. Vindomora Country Lodges will be able to assist in storing these items securely, but accept no responsibility for their loss, damage or theft.
Breakages, Damage or Missing Items
The Client/guest is legally bound to reimburse Vindomora Country Lodges for breakages, damage, missing items or excessive cleaning caused by the party during the period of the rental.
The cost of replacing linen, towels and robes, etc are listed on paragraph 37 and these will be charged to the security deposit.
Children must be supervised at all times. This is particularly important when using the Hot Tub.
It is the responsibility of parents or guardians of children staying at our lodges to ensure they are appropriately supervised and safe at all times. This is particularly important near to the Hot Tubs but also at the nearby River Derwent, which is a short walk away. This river can flow very fast hours after heavy rain as it is fed from the North Pennines. Please keep children away from the river edge.
Only those persons notified to Vindomora Country Lodges are entitled to occupy the accommodation allocated. If you receive visitors during your stay who are not resident at Vindomora Country Lodges, you must inform the Manager. You will be held responsible for the behaviour of your visitors while they are on the site. Visiting guests are not permitted to stay overnight and must leave by 10.30pm.
Vindomora Country Lodges only allow a maximum of two dogs within the Hadrian Lodge, Housesteads Lodge, Vindolanda Lodge, St Ebba Lodge and the Chester Lodge. Pet owners must keep their pets on a lead at all times and must clean up after them.
Vehicles and Parking
Parking of vehicles must be in the designated car parking space next to each lodge or flat or the Reception and must not obstruct the roadway. Parking for the Housesteads Lodge is allocated near to the Reception. Please do not park on the grass. Your vehicles, their accessories and contents are left entirely at your risk. Vindomora Country Lodges will not be responsible for any loss or damage from or to any vehicle. Repairs to vehicles (except emergency repairs) must not be carried out. You must insure all vehicles you use on our site as you would for public roads. The following vehicles are not permitted on the site, quad bikes, trial bikes, powered scooters and similar type machines, boats, trailers, jet skis and horse boxes.
Left Property
A minimum charge of £10 plus postage and packaging is made for the return of left property after your departure. Items of left property can only be held for a maximum of one month after which time they are donated to charity. We cannot be held responsible for items reported lost which cannot found. Property is at all times the responsibility of the owner.
Vindomora Country Lodges cannot accept liability for any damage; expense, injury, death or loss of any nature whatsoever suffered by any person(s) from any cause other than the proven negligence of us or our employees. You must take all necessary steps to safeguard your personal property and no liability to you is accepted in respect of damage to or loss of such property.
Hot Tubs
Hot Tubs Hot tubs are available for your enjoyment and their use or any use of any other facility of the rented lodge or flat is at your own risk. Vindomora Country Lodges do not accept liability for illness or injury however caused.
Hot Tub Rules
Hot Tub use is prohibited from Midnight to 7.00am.
Glass is NOT permitted near to or inside the Hot Tub.
Plastic drinking glasses have been provided for your use.
Should broken glass get into the Hot Tub, it cannot be seen and can cause serious injury.
If glass does get into the Hot Tub it will be necessary to close the Hot Tub for the remainder of your stay.
Never switch off the Hot Tub at the mains. Only authorised maintenance personnel are authorised to control the mains power. There may be an extra charge added to your bill if the tub is switched off during your stay – even if you are not using it.
Hot Tub cleanliness is paramount to prevent infection. For your own safety, it is essential that the water is kept clean as failure to do so results in the water balance changing which seriously diminishes the effectiveness of the sanitising chemicals. Our staff will check the chemical levels twice a day to check that the water balance and quality are correct. This is a safety requirement and insurance requirement.
Following our checks, if the Hot Tub water is found to be dirty due to misuse, it may be necessary for us to empty the Hot Tub and switch it off. We reserve the right to turn off the Hot Tub for the remainder of your stay.
If you wish to have the Hot Tub cleaned and refilled, this will incur an additional charge of £75. Please be aware that it can take some time to reheat.
Only guests whose names have been provided on your booking are permitted to use the Hot Tub.
The maximum capacity of each tub is 6 persons.
If the Hot Tub needs to be shut down, cleaned and refilled due to misuse, this will incur a charge of £100.
Each lodge has its own private Hot Tub, supplied to you for your enjoyment. Our tubs are emptied after each guest, thoroughly cleaned and refilled so it is fresh for you. Our aim is to have all the tubs ready for your arrival, however it might be the case that they are not fully heated to the correct temperature, but they don’t take long to heat, so please be patient.
Rules for the Hot Tubs will be strictly enforced and are present for everyone’s safety.
Vindomora Country Lodges take no responsibility for any accident, injury or health issue resulting from the use of the Hot Tubs.
The Hot Tub is quite deep and can be a little slippery so for caution there should always be a minimum of 2 people in the Hot Tub in case of emergency. Keep all loose articles of clothing and jewellery away from the rotating jets. Test the water with your hand before entering to make sure it is a comfortable temperature. Guests should never submerge their head in the water. Hot Tub water is not suitable to be in or near your mouth and should never be consumed. It is your responsibility to instruct any children of this advice.
Children and their use of the Hot Tubs
Risk to children – EXTREME CAUTION must be exercised to prevent unauthorised access by under age children.
The Hot Tub Cover MUST always remain closed & clipped shut unless a responsible adult is present.
No children under 5 years old are permitted in the Hot Tub, as they cannot regulate their body temperature suitably.
Instruct children to shower and visit the toilet prior to use of the Hot Tub and inform them to keep their heads out of the water, especially mouth and ears.
Use extreme caution with ALL children wishing to use the Hot Tub, as they are prone to overheating and this can be very dangerous.
It is your responsibility as an adult, when a guest at our lodges, to ensure the safety of all children in your party.
Hot tub use is prohibited between Midnight and 7.00am
Hot Tubs can be emptied anytime from 8am on the morning of your departure
Broken cover clips will incur a charge of £10 each.
Vindomora Country Lodges accept no responsibility for the hot tub use and all persons using it. Users of the hot tub do so at their own risk.
We expect the highest standard of behaviour by guests whilst staying with us at Vindomora Country Lodges.
This also applies to any visitors you have, which are your responsibility.
The use or threats of verbal or physical violence whether to other guests or staff will not be tolerated and will result in the whole guest party being asked to leave without a refund.
Offensive language will also not be tolerated, as well as unruly behaviour, loud music / television.
This may also result in you and your whole party being asked to leave the site, again without a refund.
Any kind of unlawful behaviour will not be tolerated and will be challenged. The use of illegal drugs is prohibited and will result in the Police being called and your whole party being asked to leave without a refund.
Alcohol is permitted on the Vindomora Country Lodges site, but please respect other guests; do not walk around the site with open cans, bottles or glasses.
Please also respect our neighbours, some of whom have lived here for a considerable time.
The following are not permitted on the Vindomora Country Lodges site – drones, powered model aircraft or any other powered flying objects, Segway’s, hover boards, electric micro scooters or Chinese Lanterns, fireworks or similar.
Please do not cause unnecessary nuisance by loud music / volume from televisions, music systems, musical instruments, etc.
Quiet Times
To respect other guests and our neighbours,
Quiet Hours are between 10.30pm and 9.00am.
Hot Tub use is prohibited between Midnight and 7.00am.
The lodges are located in a very quiet position and at night voices and other noises travel great distances. Please be mindful of this.
Fire Safety
Please read the Fire Safety information within the Visitors Information Pack and the full Fire Emergency Plan which is available on the Vindomora Country Lodges website and at the Reception.
Please do not store flammable items near to the boiler or near to the log fires.
No Candles are permitted to be used within the lodges or apartment.
Please ensure all guests in your party are familiar with the location of the Fire Call Point next to the Housesteads Lodge, Fire Extinguishers and Evacuation Assembly Point (opposite the main entrance).
Smoking and Vaping is NOT permitted within the lodges, flat or Reception areas.
Smoking or naked flames are not permitted within 10 feet of the gas bottles.
Please do not dispose of cigarette stubs in an inappropriate manner.
Force Majeure
Vindomora Country Lodges cannot accept responsibility or pay compensation where the performance of our contract with you is prevented or affected by reason of circumstances which amount to force majeure. These circumstances include any event which we could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such circumstances include the destruction or damage of your accommodation (which cannot reasonably be remedied to a satisfactory standard before the start of your holiday) through fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage, riots or civil strife, natural or nuclear disaster, war or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity and all similar situations beyond our control.
Privacy Protecting
Your privacy is important to us and we will strive to keep your personal information confidential. Your details will be kept on our database to enable us to keep you up to date with any future offers, information or mailings. We do not give any information to third parties or use information gathered in any other way than those described above. If required by law or legal process to disclose your personal information we will do only in accordance with the law. Please also refer to Vindomora Country Lodges Privacy Policy.
Site Rules
All occupiers and guests of Vindomora Country Lodges are expected to abide by the Site Rules. Details are present in these Terms and Conditions, in the Visitors Information Book, on the website and available from Reception.
Vindomora Country Lodges endeavour to ensure that everything is to your satisfaction during your stay. Should there be any cause for complaint during the occupation of the property, it must be notified promptly to the Manager and in the case of a serious problem confirmed in writing.
Right to amend our terms and conditions.
Vindomora Country Lodges reserve the right to change or amend these terms and conditions at any time. We also reserve the right to terminate the agreement/booking without refund of money if the behaviour of any guest is considered unacceptable, site rules are broken or if the number of occupants exceeds that stated at the time of booking.
If you have any questions about our terms or the practices of this site, please contact us.
By making a booking or paying a deposit you agree to our terms and conditions.
Vindomora Country Lodges
Bridge End,
County Durham
Amended 1st June 2019 – Copyright, Craig Johnson
By making a booking, paying a deposit or paying in full you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions and accept all liability for their guest’s actions.
The Contract of Hire is not effective until confirmed via email by Vindomora Country Lodges to you, the hirer of the property (“the Hirer”) written confirmation of the booking.
Vindomora Country Lodges does not accept bookings from Hirers under the age of 21.
Vindomora Country Lodges does not accept bookings from single sex parties, for example Stag and Hen parties.
Full details of guests must be provided to Vindomora Country Lodges on Booking. Failure to do so may result in the Booking being cancelled.
Groups of people 21 years of age or younger will be required to provide photo identification (Drivers Licence/Passport) at check in, showing their date of birth and their address.
All the lodges and flat at Vindomora Country Lodges are privately owned by Bridge End Lodges Ltd, trading as Vindomora Country Lodges (The Owner).
Once the hire is confirmed, this Contract of Hire of a property shall be a contract between the Hirer and the Owner, Vindomora Country Lodges.
The Hirer may not assign or transfer the Contract of Hire to any other person without the prior written consent of Vindomora Country Lodges.
The Contract of Hire is a license to the Hirer or their guests to stay in the property during the specified hire period. The Hirer or their guests have no right to remain in the property after the period of hire and shall not be entitled to any statutory security of tenure.
These Terms and Conditions are in addition to those set out by Vacation Rentals (UK) Ltd.
Initial Payment
Bookings will only be confirmed upon receipt by Vindomora Country Lodges of the required deposit payment (“the Deposit”).
The Deposit is non-refundable.
If the booking is made direct with Vindomora Country Lodges within 8 weeks of the holiday commencement date, the full accommodation rental will be required before the booking will be confirmed.
Balance Payment
The balance of the cost of the hire of the property, if made direct with Vindomora Country Lodges will be due for payment 8 weeks before the holiday commencement date.
The hire may be cancelled where full payment in cleared funds has not been received 8 weeks before the holiday commencement date. The Deposit is non-refundable.
Security Deposit
The Owner requires a security / damage / breakage / acceptable behaviour bond for each property for each rental period, the amount of which is £100.
This bond is refundable provided these booking conditions have been met in full. The Hirer will provide Vindomora Country Lodges with debit or credit card details or cash for this bond on arrival.
The follow will incur a deduction from the cash bond or pre-authorised card or cash security bond, if:
· Excess cleaning of the property is required – Charge of £20
· Rubbish has to be removed from the property by Vindomora Country Lodges. Charge of £20
· Damage has been caused to the property or its contents during the hire period; or
Staff or police are called to your lodge or flat to deal with any disturbance or nuisance caused by you or a member of your party. Minimum of £50 plus cost of damage replacement.
· These Booking Conditions otherwise specify that if an additional payment is required from the security deposit on the instructions of the Owner or Manager, Vindomora Country Lodges will process a payment up to the full amount of the security deposit in respect of the above items provided by the Hirer.
Should the sum of any excess charges, or other costs due from the security deposit exceed the amount of the security deposit the balance will be payable immediately on demand.
The security bond will be refunded once the cleaners have checked the lodge / flat and within 7 days of departure less any deductions as above.
Arrival/Departure Times
Check in is from 3.00pm & up to 10pm
Check out is 10.00am.
This is to allow Vindomora Country Lodges to prepare for the next guests / hirer.
Credit Card Charges
Vindomora Country Lodges do not charge a credit card fee.
All damages and breakages that occur during the hire period are the legal responsibility of the Hirer and should be notified to Vindomora Country Lodges before the end of the hire period.
These costs are charged to the security bond.
Any damage and breakages that are discovered at the end of the hire period will be deemed to have been caused during the hire period unless the Hirer has notified Vindomora Country Lodges of the damage when arriving at the property. The person making the booking accepts that by making a booking they understand and agree that they are wholly responsible for the conduct of themselves, any of their guests or visitors and agree that they are liable for the cost of any damage or loss or nuisance however caused by them or any of their guests or visitors.
Confirmation of Booking
Once Vindomora Country Lodges has issued a Confirmation of booking/invoice for direct bookings, the Hirer is responsible for the total price of the hire of the property for the hire period and any extras as shown on the confirmation.
Any amendments to an existing booking are not effective until acceptance in writing is dispatched to the Hirer by Vindomora Country Lodges and any additional funds are paid to Vindomora Country Lodges in cleared funds.
Booking Cancellation
The Hirer must inform Vindomora Country Lodges immediately if they wish to cancel their booking made direct with us.
If the Hirer cancels their booking more than 8 weeks before the commencement date, the Deposit will not be refundable, but the balance of the cost of the hire will be refunded if already paid.
Please note all deposits are non-refundable.
If the Hirer cancels their booking within eight weeks of the holiday commencement date the Hirer will remain liable for the full cost of the hire of the property for the holiday period.
Holiday Insurance
The Hirer is strongly advised to arrange holiday insurance that includes cover for cancellation and the personal property of the Hirer.
Guest Party Numbers
Unless authorised by Vindomora Country Lodges in writing, under no circumstances may more than the maximum number of persons occupy the property hired. Namely 6 people in a two-bedroom lodge and 4 people in the flat.
Full details of all guests must be provided on booking. Failure to do so may result in the booking being cancelled.
Vindomora Country Lodges and the owner reserve the right to refuse admittance or cancel the booking if additional persons occupy the home during the rental period.
In addition, Vindomora Country Lodges and the Owner reserves the right to refuse or cancel any bookings from parties that may in either of their opinions and their sole discretion be unsuitable for the property concerned, for example single sex parties, stag or hen parties or carry out any illegal activity.
In the event of such a cancellation, Vindomora Country Lodges will refund the cost of hire on a pro-rata basis less a service charge of £50 and less any damages. No other compensation will be payable to the hirer.
The Hirer must notify Vindomora Country Lodges as soon as possible if the number of guests staying at the property will be different from the number specified when the Hirer made the booking or are in excess of the maximum stated above. The Hirer must also notify Vindomora Country Lodges of the names and ages of all guests.
Hirer’s Responsibilities
The Hirer is responsible for the property and is expected to take all reasonable care of it.
The Hirer must always comply with the following conditions.
The property must be left clean and tidy, all equipment and utensils etc must be clean and put away at the end of the hire period. Should the property be found to require extra cleaning as a result of the condition in which it is left then these additional costs will be charged to the security deposit.
Portable / reusable BBQ equipment are not allowed to be used on the Vindomora Country Lodges site unless specific permission has been granted by the Manager. BBQ areas are located next to each of the lodges and these are the only permitted areas for a BBQ's.
Bins & Recycling
The Hirer should remove all waste from the lodge / flat and place it in the general waste bin next to their lodge / flat or the main waste bin near to Reception. A Glass recycling bin is located next to the Reception.
Recycling is conducted by our Waste Management Contractor off site, so there is no need to separate items.
If you leave waste in the lodge / flat a removal charge of £20 to collect and dispose of any refuse will be charged to the security deposit.
Environmental Considerations
The Hirer should at the end of their stay, turn all the lights off, turn electrical appliances off at the wall and turn down heating thermostats to 15 degrees.
Smoking or Vaping is not permitted in any of Vindomora Country lodges or flat.
Smoking is not permitted near to the bottled gas next to each lodge or flat.
Smoking is not permitted next to the bottled gas storage area.
The use of candles is prohibited with the lodges and apartment.
A charge of £50 will be incurred if these conditions are broken.
Pets – Dogs only
Dogs only, are only permitted in the Hadrian Lodge, Housesteads Lodge, Vindolanda Lodge, St Ebba Lodge and the Chesters Lodge (max of 2).
Pets of any type are not allowed under any circumstance in any of the other lodges or flat.
A maximum of 2 dogs are allowed in the Hadrian Lodge, Housesteads Lodge, Vindolanda Lodge, St Ebba Lodge and Chesters Lodge.
Dogs are not permitted on furniture or on beds. Every effort must be made to minimize additional mess created by having your pet on holiday and any extra costs incurred as a result of pets will be charged to the security deposit.
Dog owners must clean up after their pets anywhere on Vindomora Country Lodges and must be kept on a lead.
Under no circumstances must a pet be left unattended in the property. Vindomora Country Lodges accepts no responsibility for pets left unattended and any damage to the property by pets will be charged to the Hirer.
Use of the Accommodation & Amenities
Vindomora Country Lodges may repossess the property at any time and terminate the hire of the property, where the Hirer or any member of the Hirer’s party has caused excessive noise or damage or is found or reasonably suspected to be conducting themselves in an illegal, offensive or immoral fashion, or are causing a nuisance to other persons.
In such circumstances the Hirer shall not be entitled to any refund of the hire price of the property.
The Hirer shall permit Vindomora Country Lodges staff or their representatives to access the property at reasonable times during the holiday for inspection or to carry out maintenance, and Vindomora Country Lodges and / or the Owner shall retain keys for the property for this purpose.
The Contract of Hire is made on the understanding that the property advertised will be available and fit for use for the dates stated. In the unlikely event that the property is not available or fit for use through events arising outside the control of Vindomora Country Lodges or the Owner, then the Hirer’s booking may be cancelled or varied.
At its sole discretion Vindomora Country Lodges may offer the Hirer suitable alternative accommodation, which if not acceptable to the Hirer, will entitle the Hirer to a full refund on a pro-rata basis.
Neither Vindomora Country Lodges nor the Owner shall be liable to the Hirer for any other costs, expenses, loss, injury or damage whatsoever suffered by the Hirer or their guests as a consequence of cancelling or varying the booking in accordance with this clause.
Exceptions to this is Vindomora Country Lodges liability, if proven that death or personal injury was caused by our negligence. (Consumer Rights Act 2015 s65(1).
Variations to booking.
The hirer will be liable to pay a service charge of £50 for any variation to the booking, made direct with Vindomora Country Lodges.
Not all items, equipment and facilities advertised may be available at all times due to breakdown, malfunction, or other reasons. The management of Vindomora Country Lodges will try to rectify any malfunctions as soon as possible but no refund of any or all of the money paid by the customer will be made.
However, each circumstance will be considered on its own merits, and where possible the guest / party will be informed, prior to arrival, that the facility is not available. If the breakdown, malfunction or reduction in facilities occur when the guests / party are in attendance, then consideration will be given by Vindomora Country Lodges for appropriate reimbursement.
Services Rental
Services rental charges include bed linen, towels and robes for use during your stay. Beds will be made up prior to your arrival and linen and towels will be changed at the end of each rental. Additional cleaning/bed linen is available at a discretionary cost of between £15 & £30, pending on the items, to cover Vindomora Country Lodges additional costs. Vindomora Country lodges will decide, pending on the circumstances, if this charge is to be made. Electricity, bottled gas and water are included within the rental charge. If a booking is made for more than 7 days, Vindomora Country Lodges will change the bed linen and towels at day 7 following arrangements with the lead guest.
Care of the Property
The Hirer / Client / Guest / Visitors shall take all reasonable and proper care of the property and its furniture, pictures, fittings and effects in or on the property and leave them in the same state of repair and in the same clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period as was found at the beginning. No candles are to be used inside or outside of the accommodations.
Matches / Lighters / Firelighters are permitted to be used in the log cabins only for the purposes of starting the wood stoves / burners. These items must be stored in a safe place out of reach from young children and it is the Hirers responsibility to ensure this.
Fixtures & Fittings
All fixture, fittings and equipment must be used solely for their intended purpose. Vindomora Country Lodges request that you do not take into the log cabins any portable heaters, lighting equipment, candles or any items that may cause danger to the lodges, its equipment or its occupants.
Any bulky items such as bicycles, fishing or golf equipment are not to be taken into the log cabins or the flat. Vindomora Country Lodges will be able to assist in storing these items securely, but accept no responsibility for their loss, damage or theft.
Breakages, Damage or Missing Items
The Client/guest is legally bound to reimburse Vindomora Country Lodges for breakages, damage, missing items or excessive cleaning caused by the party during the period of the rental.
The cost of replacing linen, towels and robes, etc are listed on paragraph 37 and these will be charged to the security deposit.
Children must be supervised at all times. This is particularly important when using the Hot Tub.
It is the responsibility of parents or guardians of children staying at our lodges to ensure they are appropriately supervised and safe at all times. This is particularly important near to the Hot Tubs but also at the nearby River Derwent, which is a short walk away. This river can flow very fast hours after heavy rain as it is fed from the North Pennines. Please keep children away from the river edge.
Only those persons notified to Vindomora Country Lodges are entitled to occupy the accommodation allocated. If you receive visitors during your stay who are not resident at Vindomora Country Lodges, you must inform the Manager. You will be held responsible for the behaviour of your visitors while they are on the site. Visiting guests are not permitted to stay overnight and must leave by 10.30pm.
Vindomora Country Lodges only allow a maximum of two dogs within the Hadrian Lodge, Housesteads Lodge, Vindolanda Lodge, St Ebba Lodge and the Chester Lodge. Pet owners must keep their pets on a lead at all times and must clean up after them.
Vehicles and Parking
Parking of vehicles must be in the designated car parking space next to each lodge or flat or the Reception and must not obstruct the roadway. Parking for the Housesteads Lodge is allocated near to the Reception. Please do not park on the grass. Your vehicles, their accessories and contents are left entirely at your risk. Vindomora Country Lodges will not be responsible for any loss or damage from or to any vehicle. Repairs to vehicles (except emergency repairs) must not be carried out. You must insure all vehicles you use on our site as you would for public roads. The following vehicles are not permitted on the site, quad bikes, trial bikes, powered scooters and similar type machines, boats, trailers, jet skis and horse boxes.
Left Property
A minimum charge of £10 plus postage and packaging is made for the return of left property after your departure. Items of left property can only be held for a maximum of one month after which time they are donated to charity. We cannot be held responsible for items reported lost which cannot found. Property is at all times the responsibility of the owner.
Vindomora Country Lodges cannot accept liability for any damage; expense, injury, death or loss of any nature whatsoever suffered by any person(s) from any cause other than the proven negligence of us or our employees. You must take all necessary steps to safeguard your personal property and no liability to you is accepted in respect of damage to or loss of such property.
Hot Tubs
Hot Tubs Hot tubs are available for your enjoyment and their use or any use of any other facility of the rented lodge or flat is at your own risk. Vindomora Country Lodges do not accept liability for illness or injury however caused.
Hot Tub Rules
Hot Tub use is prohibited from Midnight to 7.00am.
Glass is NOT permitted near to or inside the Hot Tub.
Plastic drinking glasses have been provided for your use.
Should broken glass get into the Hot Tub, it cannot be seen and can cause serious injury.
If glass does get into the Hot Tub it will be necessary to close the Hot Tub for the remainder of your stay.
Never switch off the Hot Tub at the mains. Only authorised maintenance personnel are authorised to control the mains power. There may be an extra charge added to your bill if the tub is switched off during your stay – even if you are not using it.
Hot Tub cleanliness is paramount to prevent infection. For your own safety, it is essential that the water is kept clean as failure to do so results in the water balance changing which seriously diminishes the effectiveness of the sanitising chemicals. Our staff will check the chemical levels twice a day to check that the water balance and quality are correct. This is a safety requirement and insurance requirement.
Following our checks, if the Hot Tub water is found to be dirty due to misuse, it may be necessary for us to empty the Hot Tub and switch it off. We reserve the right to turn off the Hot Tub for the remainder of your stay.
If you wish to have the Hot Tub cleaned and refilled, this will incur an additional charge of £75. Please be aware that it can take some time to reheat.
Only guests whose names have been provided on your booking are permitted to use the Hot Tub.
The maximum capacity of each tub is 6 persons.
If the Hot Tub needs to be shut down, cleaned and refilled due to misuse, this will incur a charge of £100.
- People with infectious diseases should not use the Hot Tub
- Guests must shower and use the toilet before entering the Hot Tub. Fake Tan will stain and dirty the Hot Tub which may require us to empty the Hot Tub and switch it off. This will incur a charge.
- Do not use any soaps, bubble baths or detergents of any type in the Hot Tub, as this will require it having to be shut down, emptied, cleaned and refilled. This will incur a charge of £100.00
- The use of alcohol, drugs or medication before or during the use of the Hot Tub may lead to drowning
- People on medication should always consult their doctor before using the Hot Tub.
- People who are pregnant, obese, have heart conditions, blood pressure problems, circulatory problems, skin conditions or diabetes should always consult their doctor before using the Hot Tub
- Do not use the Hot Tub immediately after strenuous exercise.
- Prolonged use of the Hot Tub can lead to hyperthermia. This is a dangerous condition when the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees. Symptoms may include failure to perceive impending hazard, failure to perceive heat, failure to recognise the need to leave the Hot Tub, unconsciousness and drowning
- Do not open the electrical box of the Hot Tub
- Do not allow any pets in the Hot Tub
- NEVER leave one person alone in the Hot Tub or let them sleep in it. This could lead to drowning!
- Please treat the Hot Tub as if it were your own, as they are expensive to replace and maintain. Each broken cover clip will incur a £10.00 charge, so please follow the instructions.
- Do not drink the water or allow the water to enter your mouth
- No glass is permitted near to or inside the Hot Tub – plastic glasses are provided for you. Any broken glass in or around the Hot Tub needs to be cleared immediately as it cannot be seen in the water and can cause serious injury.
- Do not jump into the Hot Tub
- Do not sit on the sides of the Hot Tub
- Enjoy the Hot Tub but remember, any damage to the Hot Tub, the Cover, the Cover Lifting Arm and handles, will be charged for
- Vindomora Country Lodges accept no liability, due to loss or injury or death caused by inappropriate guest behaviour, or misuse whilst in or around the confines of the Hot Tub.
- Exceptions to this is Vindomora Country Lodges liability, if proven that death or personal injury was caused by our negligence. (Consumer Rights Act 2015 s65(1).
Each lodge has its own private Hot Tub, supplied to you for your enjoyment. Our tubs are emptied after each guest, thoroughly cleaned and refilled so it is fresh for you. Our aim is to have all the tubs ready for your arrival, however it might be the case that they are not fully heated to the correct temperature, but they don’t take long to heat, so please be patient.
Rules for the Hot Tubs will be strictly enforced and are present for everyone’s safety.
Vindomora Country Lodges take no responsibility for any accident, injury or health issue resulting from the use of the Hot Tubs.
The Hot Tub is quite deep and can be a little slippery so for caution there should always be a minimum of 2 people in the Hot Tub in case of emergency. Keep all loose articles of clothing and jewellery away from the rotating jets. Test the water with your hand before entering to make sure it is a comfortable temperature. Guests should never submerge their head in the water. Hot Tub water is not suitable to be in or near your mouth and should never be consumed. It is your responsibility to instruct any children of this advice.
Children and their use of the Hot Tubs
Risk to children – EXTREME CAUTION must be exercised to prevent unauthorised access by under age children.
The Hot Tub Cover MUST always remain closed & clipped shut unless a responsible adult is present.
No children under 5 years old are permitted in the Hot Tub, as they cannot regulate their body temperature suitably.
Instruct children to shower and visit the toilet prior to use of the Hot Tub and inform them to keep their heads out of the water, especially mouth and ears.
Use extreme caution with ALL children wishing to use the Hot Tub, as they are prone to overheating and this can be very dangerous.
It is your responsibility as an adult, when a guest at our lodges, to ensure the safety of all children in your party.
Hot tub use is prohibited between Midnight and 7.00am
Hot Tubs can be emptied anytime from 8am on the morning of your departure
Broken cover clips will incur a charge of £10 each.
Vindomora Country Lodges accept no responsibility for the hot tub use and all persons using it. Users of the hot tub do so at their own risk.
We expect the highest standard of behaviour by guests whilst staying with us at Vindomora Country Lodges.
This also applies to any visitors you have, which are your responsibility.
The use or threats of verbal or physical violence whether to other guests or staff will not be tolerated and will result in the whole guest party being asked to leave without a refund.
Offensive language will also not be tolerated, as well as unruly behaviour, loud music / television.
This may also result in you and your whole party being asked to leave the site, again without a refund.
Any kind of unlawful behaviour will not be tolerated and will be challenged. The use of illegal drugs is prohibited and will result in the Police being called and your whole party being asked to leave without a refund.
Alcohol is permitted on the Vindomora Country Lodges site, but please respect other guests; do not walk around the site with open cans, bottles or glasses.
Please also respect our neighbours, some of whom have lived here for a considerable time.
The following are not permitted on the Vindomora Country Lodges site – drones, powered model aircraft or any other powered flying objects, Segway’s, hover boards, electric micro scooters or Chinese Lanterns, fireworks or similar.
Please do not cause unnecessary nuisance by loud music / volume from televisions, music systems, musical instruments, etc.
Quiet Times
To respect other guests and our neighbours,
Quiet Hours are between 10.30pm and 9.00am.
Hot Tub use is prohibited between Midnight and 7.00am.
The lodges are located in a very quiet position and at night voices and other noises travel great distances. Please be mindful of this.
Fire Safety
Please read the Fire Safety information within the Visitors Information Pack and the full Fire Emergency Plan which is available on the Vindomora Country Lodges website and at the Reception.
Please do not store flammable items near to the boiler or near to the log fires.
No Candles are permitted to be used within the lodges or apartment.
Please ensure all guests in your party are familiar with the location of the Fire Call Point next to the Housesteads Lodge, Fire Extinguishers and Evacuation Assembly Point (opposite the main entrance).
Smoking and Vaping is NOT permitted within the lodges, flat or Reception areas.
Smoking or naked flames are not permitted within 10 feet of the gas bottles.
Please do not dispose of cigarette stubs in an inappropriate manner.
Force Majeure
Vindomora Country Lodges cannot accept responsibility or pay compensation where the performance of our contract with you is prevented or affected by reason of circumstances which amount to force majeure. These circumstances include any event which we could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such circumstances include the destruction or damage of your accommodation (which cannot reasonably be remedied to a satisfactory standard before the start of your holiday) through fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage, riots or civil strife, natural or nuclear disaster, war or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity and all similar situations beyond our control.
Privacy Protecting
Your privacy is important to us and we will strive to keep your personal information confidential. Your details will be kept on our database to enable us to keep you up to date with any future offers, information or mailings. We do not give any information to third parties or use information gathered in any other way than those described above. If required by law or legal process to disclose your personal information we will do only in accordance with the law. Please also refer to Vindomora Country Lodges Privacy Policy.
Site Rules
All occupiers and guests of Vindomora Country Lodges are expected to abide by the Site Rules. Details are present in these Terms and Conditions, in the Visitors Information Book, on the website and available from Reception.
Vindomora Country Lodges endeavour to ensure that everything is to your satisfaction during your stay. Should there be any cause for complaint during the occupation of the property, it must be notified promptly to the Manager and in the case of a serious problem confirmed in writing.
Right to amend our terms and conditions.
Vindomora Country Lodges reserve the right to change or amend these terms and conditions at any time. We also reserve the right to terminate the agreement/booking without refund of money if the behaviour of any guest is considered unacceptable, site rules are broken or if the number of occupants exceeds that stated at the time of booking.
- Summary of fees
- The direct bookings to Vindomora Country Lodges Deposit is paid at the time of booking, which is non-refundable and amounts to 10% of the total cost of the booking.
- The Full Balance for Direct Bookings to Vindomora Country Lodges is payable 8 weeks before the arrival date.
- The Security Deposit is £100.00, payable at check in. This is refundable provided these terms and Conditions have been met.
- Excess cleaning of the property is required – Charge of £20
- Rubbish has to be removed from the property by Vindomora Country Lodges. Charge of £20
- Broken Hot Tub Cover Clips will incur a £10.00 charge each to cover replacement.
- Damage has been caused to the property or its contents during the hire period – Admin charge of £20 plus the cost of replacing the items damaged.
- If Staff or the Police are called to your lodge or flat to deal with any disturbance or nuisance caused by you or a member of your party, a charge of £50 will be incurred, plus as a result the whole guest party will be asked to leave without a refund.
- Cancellation before 8 weeks (for Direct bookings to Vindomora Country Lodges) of the commencement of the booking date – charge of the 20% only. All other monies paid will be refunded.
- Cancellation within 8 weeks (Direct Bookings) of the commencement of the booking date – Full cost of the booking to be paid.
- Vindomora Country Lodges reserves the right to refuse or cancel any bookings from parties that may in their opinion and their sole discretion be unsuitable for the property concerned, for example single sex parties, stag or hen parties, or carry out any illegal activity. In the event of such a cancellation, Vindomora Country Lodges will refund the cost of hire on a pro-rata basis less a service charge of £50 and less any damages. No other compensation will be payable to the hirer.
- Breach of No Smoking Policy / Vaping Policy – A charge of £50 will be incurred.
- Dogs are only permitted in the Hadrian Lodge, Housesteads Lodge, Vindolanda Lodge, St Ebba Lodge and the Chesters Lodge.
- If any member of the Hirer’s party has caused excessive noise or damage or is found or reasonably suspected to be conducting themselves in an illegal, offensive or immoral fashion, or are causing a nuisance to other persons; In such circumstances, the hire will be terminated, and the Hirer shall not be entitled to any refund of the hire price of the property.
- Variation of Direct Booking - The hirer will be liable to pay a service charge of £50
- Additional cleaning / bed linen is available at a discretionary cost of between £15 & £30, pending on the item. Vindomora Country Lodges will decide, pending on the circumstance, if this charge is to be made.
- The Client / guest is legally bound to reimburse Vindomora Country Lodges for breakages, damage and missing items. Charges will depend on the items to be replaced.
- If a member of the Hirers party removes towels, bedding, oven gloves, tea towels or robes, etc., a charge will be incurred for their replacement as detailed below.
- Hand Towels £10.00
- Bath Sheets £16.00
- Bath Mat £10.00
- Bath Robe £30.00
- Pillow Case £10.00
- Single Sheet £15.00
- Single Duvet Cover £15.00
- Double Sheet £18.00
- Double Duvet Cover £22.00
- King Size Sheet £18.00
- King Size Duvet Cover £25.00
- SuperKing Sheet £20.00
- SuperKing Duvet Cover £30.00
- A minimum charge of £10 plus postage and packaging is made for the return of left property after your departure.
- If you wish to have the Hot Tub cleaned and refilled, this will incur an additional charge of £75.
- If the Hot Tub needs to be shut down, cleaned and refilled due to misuse, this will incur a charge of £100.00
- The use or threats of verbal or physical violence whether to other guests or staff will not be tolerated and will result in the whole guest party being asked to leave without a refund.
- Offensive language will also not be tolerated, as well as unruly behaviour, loud music / television. This may also result in you and your whole party being asked to leave the site, again without a refund.
If you have any questions about our terms or the practices of this site, please contact us.
By making a booking or paying a deposit you agree to our terms and conditions.
Vindomora Country Lodges
Bridge End,
County Durham
Amended 1st June 2019 – Copyright, Craig Johnson